أخبار عاجلة

1 dead, 1 seriously hurt in 'unprovoked attacks' in downtown Vancouver

1 dead, 1 seriously hurt in 'unprovoked attacks' in downtown Vancouver
1 dead, 1 seriously hurt in 'unprovoked attacks' in downtown Vancouver

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الخميس 5 سبتمبر 2024 01:26 صباحاً

Reuters Videos

Frenchman on trial for inviting strangers to rape unconscious wife

STORY: A 71-year-old man has gone on trial in France, accused of repeatedly drugging his wife and offering her to strangers for sex over a decade.Dominique Pelicot and more than 50 men face to to 20 years in jail if found guilty.His wife was unconscious and unaware of the rapes, which allegedly took place at their home in Mazan in southern France. Sex-crime cases are often held behind closed doors to protect victims, but the wife’s lawyer said his client wanted them open.“This is also a way for her to say that one can overcome this challenge, even though today is just the beginning, that this has to be made known, and that shame should switch sides.”A lawyer for Pelicot has told French media he admits to his crimes.

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