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N.W.T. Highway 1 reopens after partial closure on Saturday

N.W.T. Highway 1 reopens after partial closure on Saturday
N.W.T. Highway 1 reopens after partial closure on Saturday

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: السبت 10 أغسطس 2024 07:01 مساءً

In Northwest Territories, Highway 1 has fully reopened after wildfire smoke closed down part of the road early on Saturday afternoon, according to the N.W.T. Department of Infrastructure.

The highway was closed between the Highway 3 Junction and the Jean Marie River access road at around 1 p.m. on Saturday due to severe wildfire smoke.

It reopened at approximately 3:45 p.m. on Saturday, according to Department of Infrastructure spokesperson Amy Kennedy.

The Sambaa K'e access road, which was also impacted by wildfire smoke, is still closed.

In an Facebook update saying the highway was reopened, the department said that drivers on Highway 1 should still expect smoky conditions.

"Please slow down and drive carefully," the update said.

Kennedy told CBC at 2 p.m. that the earlier closure was due to severe wildfire smoke caused by fires in the Dehcho as well as in Alberta and B.C., and no fires were dangerously close to the highway.

Visibility on the affected part of Highway 1 was as low as one kilometre, she said.

No fires were dangerously close to the highway, she added.

More information on N.W.T. highway conditions can be found here.

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