Sask. government won't support NDP motion to investigate Speaker's allegations

Sask. government won't support NDP motion to investigate Speaker's allegations
Sask. government won't support NDP motion to investigate Speaker's allegations

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الاثنين 10 يونيو 2024 07:07 مساءً

The Saskatchewan Party government has turned down the NDP's pitch to have a committee review allegations made by  Speaker Randy Weekes.

The opposition recently sent a letter to Weekes, chair of the House services committee, asking him to contact members and inform them of the meeting request.

Weekes asked the committee members how they wanted to proceed, and on Monday the government's House leadership said it would not accept the NDP's invitation.

"Because there is a clear process for dealing with allegations of harassment, we will not be supporting the Opposition motion. We appreciate that the Speaker has asked House services committee members for direction on this matter," a statement from the government said.

House leadership on the government side has informed the Speaker.

On May 16. Weekes said he had been bullied, harassed and intimidated by government members and staff.

The Opposition also wanted scrutiny of allegations related to guns. Weekes said during a speech that former government House leader Jeremy Harrison brought a firearm into the legislative building at some point in the past.

Last week, the NDP sent a second letter asking the committee to consider two motions in a meeting:

  • Appointing an independent investigator.

  • Calling Premier Scott Moe, Jeremy Harrison, Lori Carr and others to answer questions about allegations made by the Speaker.

The committee has eight members, four government MLAs including Harrison and current House Leader Carr, the Speaker and three opposition MLAs.

In its statement, the government said the Legislative Assembly has an anti-harassment policy and a process to follow.

"The policy spells out a clear process for reporting and resolving allegations of harassment. It includes an investigation process and a provision to engage an independent outside investigator if necessary. This is the process that should be followed should the Speaker, or any Member of the Legislative Assembly, wish to make a harassment complaint."

Last week, Moe said the policy could be put into action by one individual and to his knowledge that had not happened.

تم ادراج الخبر والعهده على المصدر، الرجاء الكتابة الينا لاي توضبح - برجاء اخبارنا بريديا عن خروقات لحقوق النشر للغير

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