Luxor hosts A-SMGCS 30 January 2023 11:11 AM: Mohamed Attia and Mohamed Abo el-Soud

Upper Egyptian city of Luxor hosted on Monday the Regional Seminar on Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS). The event, organized by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), will wrap up its activities on Wednesday.

Minister of Civil Aviation Mohamed Abbas affirmed that the event is a culmination of fruitful efforts and permanent coordination between the ministry and international organisations concerned with civil aviation affairs.

He said that Egypt’s choice to hold such an important conference confirms its leading role in air transport at regional and global levels.

Abbas said that his ministry has attached due importance to developing air transport system and enhancing its security and safety.

The event is a great opportunity to market and showcase the services offered by civil aviation to the public and private sector.

The conference will discuss the latest mechanisms in the field of monitoring aircraft on the runways and parking areas at airports, using modern technologies to maintain the required safety levels.

Taking part in the event are representatives of a number of Arab and African countries, including Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, Sudan, Libya, Oman and Yemen.

A number of organizations concerned with civil aviation affairs is participating in the conference, including the Airports Council International (ACI), the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, commonly known as Eurocontrol.

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