Is Earth ready for some sunblock? Big ideas for slowing climate change — and big risks, too

Is Earth ready for some sunblock? Big ideas for slowing climate change — and big risks, too
Is Earth ready for some sunblock? Big ideas for slowing climate change — and big risks, too 3 August 2023 06:43 AM: World

Humans have given it a low-key name: geoengineering. But it's nothing less than changing the Earth — the air, the clouds, the oceans — so that we can hold off on global warming's most devastating effects until we cut our carbon pollution.

Tinkering with skies, clouds and oceans is risky, but maybe less risky than global warming

John Mazerolle · CBC News · Posted: Aug 02, 2023 2:50 PM EDT | Last Updated: August 2
In this image taken from the International Space Station in 2014, Earth reflects the light of the sun. Finding ways to increase Earth's reflectivity is one of the stopgap measures being researched to slow climate change. (Alexander Gerst/ESA/NASA)

Some of it sounds like mad science, maybe the master plan of a Bond villain. One idea resembles a plot from .

Humans have given it a low-key name: geoengineering. But it's nothing less than changing the Earth — the air, the clouds, the oceans — so that we can hold off on global warming's most devastating effects until we cut our carbon pollution.

"Make no mistake: This is a really big deal," Daniel Schrag, director of the Harvard University Center for the Environment, told CBC Radio's The Current, specifically referring to solar geoengineering. "We're talking about engineering the climate intentionally for the whole planet."

Here are some of the big ideas that have been discussed, how they work and what they might mean for the planet.

Block the sun

This is The Simpsons one, though the proposal isn't to block the sun entirely like the evil Mr. Burns did in one popular episode.

Instead, picture this: Customized

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