GEM to appear in JP Morgan’s list of recommended travel destinations

GEM to appear in JP Morgan’s list of recommended travel destinations
GEM to appear in JP Morgan’s list of recommended travel destinations 6 February 2023 04:27 AM: Egypt Tourism and Antiquities Minister Ahmed Issa has expressed appreciation of JP Morgan’s choice of the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) as one of the recommended travel destinations for its clients through 2023.



The choice would contribute to efforts to promote GEM as a major place of attraction for tourists, Minister Issa was quoted as saying in a statement issued by the Tourism and Antiquities Ministry on Sunday.



The date for inaugurating GEM would be fixed as soon as possible,  Minister Issa said, adding that the announcement of the date would be made in due course to allow for large presence in the event. Heads of government and senior officials from countries the world over would be invited for the event.



Minister Issa’s remarks came during his meeting yesterday with JP Morgan Chase’s FI Group Egypt & North Africa Executive Director and Senior Country Representative Soha Ali, the statement said.



The Tourism and Antiquities Ministry referred in its statement to pictures and information on GEM to appear in a JP Morgan Chase’s brochure containing a list of recommended travel destinations for the bank’s clients.



The bank’s representative expressed thanks to Minister Issa and the Tourism and Antiquities Ministry for their co-operation in enriching the brochure’s content, the statement added.



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