Constant follow-up on rainfall, adverse weather

Constant follow-up on rainfall, adverse weather
Constant follow-up on rainfall, adverse weather 9 January 2023 11:32 AM: Egypt’s Minister of Local Development Hisham Amna on Monday followed up the situation in the governorates after heavy rainfall hit the nation.

The minister was briefed on measures taken to contain rainfall and to remove water pools from main roads.

Amna said his ministry in coordination with the provincial operations room and Cabinet crisis management centre, are monitoring water removal efforts in the governorates.

Amna directed officials concerned to raise the degree of preparedness in the governorates to confront adverse weather and the rainy season.

The Operations Room and the ministry’s Crisis Management Centre must continue to look out for developments in the situation in the governorates around-the-clock and work with the Central Operations Room in the cabinet to deal with any emergencies, Amna said.

Rainwater clearance operations also require constant follow-up, the minister said. The governorates should deal with any accumulated water and spillways in streets with the help of local units and the Drinking Water and Sanitation Company.

Amna stated that governors have been directed to form committees to monitor the condition of dams, canals and drains and ensure they are ready for heavy rainfall.


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