Services for disabled students at universities

Services for disabled students at universities
Services for disabled students at universities 3 October 2022 04:27 PM: Egypt’s Social Solidarity Minister Nevine el-Qabbag on Monday reviewed a report on the activities offered to the disabled at universities.


The report showed that more than 12,100 students with disabilities have so far benefited from the services provided by the Social Solidarity Ministry’s units at universities.


The units have paid tuition fees for more than 3,000 university students with disabilities, set up 17 recreational and sporting camps, and organised training courses and awareness-raising seminars on disability.


The units trained handicapped students on handicrafts such as tent making and crochet, the report said, adding that the units provided 1,497 prosthetic devices and aids for disabled students.


About 2,400 disabled students benefited from training courses offered by the Social Solidarity Ministry’s units in first aid, sign language, financial inclusion, and integration into the labour market, the report said.



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