Putin: West must treat us with respect

Putin: West must treat us with respect
Putin: West must treat us with respect

Arabnews24.ca:Monday 26 September 2022 08:44 AM: MOSCOW – Russian President Vladimir Putin said “the West must treat us with respect” during his meeting with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko earlier in the day, according to a statement released by the Kremlin Monday.

“We are open to everyone who wants to live in peace with us and respect us. So are you. You are even more open. You talk about it all the time. We are ready for that. No one, however, will tolerate being looked down upon. Russian people have never tolerated it. No one, not a single Russian person, will allow any president, including President Putin, to digress from this policy. This is what our economy and politics are about. We have stated it more than once and we will continue with this policy,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The two presidents discussed the framework of cooperation between the two countries, joint plans in the fields of chemistry, food, cement supplies to international markets among other issues.

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