Egypt plays key role in preserving Arab interests amid global transitional phase: SIS head

Egypt plays key role in preserving Arab interests amid global transitional phase: SIS head
Egypt plays key role in preserving Arab interests amid global transitional phase: SIS head 26 September 2022 08:44 AM: CAIRO – Head of the State Information Service (SIS) Diaa Rashwan said Monday the international community passes through a crucial phase, in which the global system is reshaped in its political and economic aspects, including the pattern of alliances, resources of power, and centers of influence.

Such a transitional phase in the global system highlights the importance of Egypt’s role at the regional and international levels in preserving Egyptian and Arab interests, defending the nation’s issues, and seeking the greatest possible joint Arab coordination in facing challenges, Rashwan added in a journal titled “Arab and regional horizons” that is published by SIS.

The official added that the eruption of the Russia-Ukraine crisis has revealed that the international system is going to be reshaped, and by extension, regional systems including that of the Middle East and the Arab region.

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