AL condemns Israeli settlers’ raids on Al Aqsa Mosque

AL condemns Israeli settlers’ raids on Al Aqsa Mosque
AL condemns Israeli settlers’ raids on Al Aqsa Mosque 26 September 2022 08:44 AM: CAIRO – The Arab League (AL) General Secretariat expressed its strong condemnation of the storming of Al Aqsa Mosque by a number of Israeli settlers, under the heavy protection of the Israeli occupation forces.

The provocative raids on the third-holiest Muslim site on Monday deeply provokes the feelings of the Arab and Muslim worlds, with the potential of igniting tensions in Al Quds, and other places in the occupied Palestinian territories, said Spokesman for the Secretary General Gamal Roshdi in statements Monday.

Roshdi quoted AL Chief Ahmed Abul Gheit as affirming that imposing siege on Al Aqsa Mosque and arresting its worshipers is a rejected crime.

He also called on the international community to assume its legal and moral responsibilities toward Al Quds and confront dangerous Israeli escalation.

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