Emigration minister receives delegation of Egyptian community in Australia

Emigration minister receives delegation of Egyptian community in Australia
Emigration minister receives delegation of Egyptian community in Australia

Arabnews24.ca:Monday 26 September 2022 08:00 AM: CAIRO- Egyptian Minister of State for Emigration and Egyptian Expatriates’ Affairs Soha Gendi has received a delegation of the Egyptian community in Australia to listen to their proposals and respond to their queries.

The meeting is part of the “the One Hour with the Minister” initiative which allows expatriates to meet directly with the minister, float their proposals and discuss their recommendations.

A statement issued by the Ministry Monday said the meeting was attended by Ambassador Amr Abbas, assistant emigration minister for expatriates affairs and Egyptian Ambassador to Australia Yasser Hashim along with representatives of the ministries of education and higher education.

The four-hour meeting tackled the conditions of the Egyptian expatriates in Australia and means to link them with the homeland.

For his part, the Egyptian ambassador to Australia said the embassy seeks to communicate with the expatriates, offer all kinds of services to them and respond to their queries.

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