Arab states take part in Our Heritage Exhibition

Arab states take part in Our Heritage Exhibition
Arab states take part in Our Heritage Exhibition 25 September 2022 11:54 AM: Chief Executive Officer of the Social Fund for Development, Neveen Gamei, referred on Sunday to participation by several Arab states in the Our Heritage Exhibition for Handicrafts and Heritage, to be held next month under the patronage of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi.

This participation, she said, gives insights into the presence of a political will in Egypt for strengthening co-operation and common ties with fellow Arab states through cultural exchange.

“Egypt also does this through heritage which expresses the identity of Arab states,” Gamei said.

She said the Egyptian government also wants to encourage intra-regional trade and economic integration, especially among small business owners in regional states.

Gamei described the Our Heritage Exhibition for Handicrafts and Heritage as a ‘unique opportunity ‘to open new marketing windows for small business owners, especially those working in the field of handicrafts and heritage.

She said Jordan, Sudan and Libya have distinguished pavilions in the exhibition this year.

The CEO of the Social Fund for Development noted that her fund is keen on hosting fellow Arab states in the Our Heritage Exhibition for Handicrafts and Heritage every year.

Arab participation in the exhibition, she said, turns the event into a regional gathering that includes a large number of creative products and live performances that express the Arabs’ cultural diversity.

Saudi Arabia will be the Guest of Honour of the exhibition this year.

The exhibition is due to start on October 9 and last until October 15, bringing together 1,116 exhibitors from Egypt’s different governorates, along with exhibitors from the aforementioned states.

These exhibitors will showcase a huge number of heritage, handicraft and artistic products.

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