Egypt exerts efforts to become hub for clean energy

Egypt exerts efforts to become hub for clean energy
Egypt exerts efforts to become hub for clean energy 15 August 2022 08:10 AM: CAIRO – Egyptian Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy Mohamed Shaker asserted Egypt is exerting tireless efforts to become a clean energy hub in the African continent.

The electricity sector is paying a greater attention to power linkage projects, Shaker added during talks with Slovenian Ambassador to Egypt Mateja Prevolsek on Monday.

The talks tackled ways of boosting vistas of cooperation and tapping new investment opportunities between Egypt and Slovenia in electricity and new and renewable energy and green hydrogen as well.

Egypt is taking part in all regional electricity linkage projects, added the minister.

The country is very interested in promoting energy linkage projects with Cyprus and Greece to become a bridge for energy between Africa and Europe, according to him.

For her part, Prevolsek said Slovenia seeks to cooperate with Egypt and foster bilateral cooperation horizons in electricity and renewable energy fields.

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