Egyptian President receives phone call from Israeli PM

Egyptian President receives phone call from Israeli PM
Egyptian President receives phone call from Israeli PM 8 August 2022 09:02 PM: CAIRO – Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah El Sisi received on Monday a phone call from Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid.

During the phone conversation, the Israeli premier expressed his deep appreciation for the successful mediation role played by Egypt under President Sisi over the past few days to hammer out a quick ceasefire and restore calm in the Gaza Strip, Presidential Spokesman Bassam Rady said.

This consolidates Egypt’s role as a pillar for the stability of the Middle East region, Lapid added.

Meanwhile, President Sisi said Egypt has made strenuous, focused efforts and endeavors to contain the situation on the ground and prevent an expansion of confrontation and a rise in military actions.

In this regard, Sisi affirmed the great importance of building on the current calm, blocking the road to tense conditions – whether in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip – and taking immediate steps to improve the living conditions in the Gaza Strip.

The Egyptian leader added that Cairo is looking forward to renewing hopes of the Palestinian people to achieve the desired peace and obtain their legitimate rights according to relevant international references, which he said makes it imperative to ending the cycle of violence and repeated escalation.

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