Arab Parliament hails Egypt’s efforts to reach Gaza ceasefire

Arab Parliament hails Egypt’s efforts to reach Gaza ceasefire
Arab Parliament hails Egypt’s efforts to reach Gaza ceasefire 7 August 2022 09:07 PM: CAIRO – Arab Parliament Speaker Adel Al-Assoumi hailed Egypt’s efforts, led by President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, to reach a ceasefire between the Israeli and Palestinian sides in the Gaza Strip after the Israeli onslaught on the Palestinian enclave killed and injured dozens of civilians including children.

In a press release, Assoumi asserted that realizing permanent peace and stability requires exerting more international efforts to resume the peace process in the Middle East.

He said that Egypt’s efforts reflect the crucial Egyptian diplomacy and leading role to preserve the security and stability of the region.

They also show how important the Palestinian cause is to Egypt, he added, commending all Egyptian efforts in quest of a just solution for the decades-running Palestinian-Israeli conflict that guarantees
the creation of an independent Palestinian state.

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