Four children found alive - five weeks after a deadly plane crash

Four children found alive - five weeks after a deadly plane crash
Four children found alive - five weeks after a deadly plane crash 9 June 2023 08:35 PM: Four children have been found alive - five weeks after the plane they were travelling in crashed into thick jungle.

They were rescued by the Colombian military, not far from where the Cessna 206 crashed. Three adults on board, including the pilot, lost their lives.

Exhaustive searches have been underway for the children - who are aged 13, 9 and 4, with the youngest just 11 months old.

Officials had regularly expressed confidence they were still alive after discovering the discarded fruit that the youngsters had eaten to survive.

Rescuers had also uncovered improvised shelters made with jungle vegetation during efforts to follow their tracks.

Colombian President Gustav Petro said: "A joy for the whole country! The four children who were lost ... in the Colombian jungle appeared alive."

Two weeks after their disappearance, Mr Petro was forced to apologise after incorrectly announcing that they had been found safe and well.


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