Speeding driver tried to switch places with his dog to avoid arrest

Speeding driver tried to switch places with his dog to avoid arrest
Speeding driver tried to switch places with his dog to avoid arrest

Arabnews24.ca:Monday 15 May 2023 11:55 PM: A driver pulled over for speeding tried to switch places with his dog to avoid arrest, according to police.

An officer in Colorado said he saw the man move over to the passenger seat on Saturday night - shortly before insisting he wasn't behind the wheel.

It's alleged that he showed visible signs of drunkenness, and ran away from the officer when asked how much alcohol he had consumed.

But the suspect didn't get far - and was caught just 18m (60ft) away.

He was arrested in a small town called Springfield, which has a population of about 1,300 people.

After being checked over in hospital, the driver was held on suspicion of charges including driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Previous warrants had also been issued for his arrest.


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