Onshore windfarm ban lifted in government U-turn

Onshore windfarm ban lifted in government U-turn
Onshore windfarm ban lifted in government U-turn

Arabnews24.ca:Tuesday 6 December 2022 01:23 PM: The government has U-turned over its ban on onshore wind by saying turbines could be installed if the projects gain the support of local communities.

Onshore windfarms were effectively banned under the leadership of David Cameron when he excluded them from government's green energy subsidies.

But there has been a growing rebellion on the Tory backbenches calling for the ban to be lifted.

Around 35 MPs - including former prime ministers Boris Johnson and Liz Truss - signed an amendment to the Levelling Up Bill by former housing secretary Simon Clarke to allow new onshore wind projects in England.

But newspaper reports claim around 24 other MPs have written Rishi Sunak urging him to stand firm on the ban.

The bill is due back in the Commons next week, and the government has already reversed its mandatory house-building target of 300,000 a year to try and ensure its passage.


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