Group including Prince Harry and Sir Elton John launch legal action against Daily Mail publishers

Group including Prince Harry and Sir Elton John launch legal action against Daily Mail publishers
Group including Prince Harry and Sir Elton John launch legal action against Daily Mail publishers 6 October 2022 12:25 PM: A group of celebrities, including Prince Harry and Sir Elton John, have launched legal action against the publishers of the Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday and Mail Online.

The action claims the individuals "have become aware of compelling and highly distressing evidence" they have been "victims of abhorrent criminal activity" and "gross breaches of privacy by Associated Newspapers".

Also in the group is Baroness Doreen Lawrence, David Furnish, Elizabeth Hurley and Sadie Frost, a statement from law firm Hamlins said.

Associated Newspapers have not yet responded to a request for comment by Reuters news agency.


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