Self-awareness is Key to Your Job Search

Self-Awareness 9 September 2020 02:43 PM: Self-awareness is key to your job search and career success. With self-awareness, you’ll have the confidence you need to influence and persuade employers that you’re the right fit for the job. Also, when you have a clear understanding of your personality, it can help you to define what type of work you find most satisfying.

Self-awareness can also provide you with a clear sense of:

Who you are What skills you bring to the job What type of work you value, and  Aspects of work that motivate you.

All of this information is essential to show your capabilities and strengths on your resume and in job interviews. As well, knowing your strengths can help you to prepare for job interviews and ensure your success in the job.

Increase Your Self-awareness with the

Free Drake P3 Personality Assessment®


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The best way to approach a job interview in Canada is to know as much as you can about yourself and your work style. 

When you complete the free Drake P3 personality assessment, you’ll receive a profile report that measures five fundamental behavioral dimensions:

Extroversion Conformity Conscientiousness

With an understanding of these building blocks to your personality, you’ll identify what contributes to your job fit and career success.


Get your P3 Report Today!


What is Job Fit?


Job fit is a measure of what you like and dislikes in a job and work environment. For example, if you think about a job you held in the past where you were extremely satisfied, you likely had a good job fit. That means that there was a high match between your job likes and the degree to which those elements were present in the job.

With self-awareness you can identify your preferences, you can search for jobs that provide those elements. For example, you may prefer jobs that provide a high degree of flexibility and freedom versus jobs that are highly structured. And when there is a great fit, you’ll achieve greater career satisfaction and success!

Job fit is also important to employers. Employers know that when the job fit is high, you will stay with their company and contribute to its success. It’s a win-win situation for you and the employer!

Canadian Employers Evaluate Four Areas


You may have the right skills, knowledge, education, and experience that the job requires, but lack job fit. With the absence of a job fit, employers will be concerned that you will not enjoy the job and you will leave. This can be costly for employers, so that’s why they focus on evaluating job candidates in four key areas: 



2. Competencies

3. Experience, and 

4. Job fit (personal attributes and motivators).




Self-Awareness: A Critical First Step


When you truly understand your personality and key strengths, you set yourself up for personal and career success. You may have completed a personality assessment in the past. If you have, it’s helpful to pull out your report and review it. Again, this is helpful information to have when you are: 

Writing your resume  Preparing a cover letter, or Getting ready for an important job interview.

If you have not completed a personality assessment, you can complete the Drake P3 Assessment® right now! 

Your results from the Drake P3 Assessment® will allow you to know and understand your personality and how you approach your work and colleagues. This is an important first step to achieve career success in Canada.

The assessment process is simple, straightforward, and you can complete it online in less than 15 minutes. 


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Why Self-Awareness is Important


There are three main reasons why self-awareness is important when you are searching for a job:


Self-awareness will help you to identify jobs that are a good fit for you.


Certain jobs naturally appeal to each of us. And when you truly know yourself, you’ll understand what makes some jobs more attractive than other jobs to you. For example, if you are introverted, you may be more attracted to roles that require less personal interaction. On the other hand, if you identify as extroverted you’ll likely excel in roles that require more interaction with customers, vendors, and other employees.

When you know yourself and your personal attributes, it can help you to identify roles that you will be successful. However, it’s still important to evaluate each role, and company because they will all be unique.


2. Self-awareness will improve your performance in job interviews.


When you know your strengths, you’ll show confidence when responding to questions that speak to job fit. For example, an interviewer may ask: What was the best job you ever had and describe what you liked most about it?”

With self-awareness and a clear understanding of your strengths, you’ll have solid examples that show those strengths. For someone who is extroverted, can convey how they were able to successfully build relationships and trust in a previous sales role. And if these attributes are key components of the job, an interviewer will have confidence in your ability and fit for the role. 


3. Self-awareness will help you to develop more quickly on the job.


With self-awareness of your strengths and motivators, you can focus on your strengths to accelerate your career development. However, if you have a weakness in an area that is critical to the job role, this will likely lead to job dissatisfaction and lower performance. Again, this understanding of your strengths will allow you to do your best work.


Increasing Your Self-Awareness


When you complete a personality assessment, you’ll understand your dominant personality strengths, and be able to harness your strengths. So having self-awareness is an essential first step to your job search and career success in Canada.



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