Exploring Canada helps seniors to keep busy

Exploring Canada helps seniors to keep busy
Exploring Canada helps seniors to keep busy

senior immigrant in Canada

Arabnews24.ca:Friday 12 May 2023 05:12 PM: Immigration is perhaps the hardest on seniors. A large portion of immigrant seniors speak little English, have difficulty getting around on their own and live with their relatives. As a result, many feel isolated and are totally dependent on their children who are busy with their own lives.

Many feel obligated to their children who have officially “sponsored” them to come to Canada, and are responsible for them financially. But many feel like they are being taken advantage of, for example, in overusing them for babysitting. Others dislike the changes they see in their children and grandchildren as they adapt to Canadian society.

The good news is that there are lots of elderly people in similar positions. As a result, they often organize events or meetings targeted to their own age group or an ethnic background. For example, in Vancouver, there is a chess club run by retired Russian people who set up weekly tournaments. Turn to your local ethnic newspaper or immigrant settlement agency to find all sorts of groups and programs targeted to seniors, from outdoor outings to weekly dance classes to English lessons.

It’s important that senior immigrants not just live in a bubble, but explore what Canada has to offer them, too. Here are some tips for senior immigrants to make the most of living in Canada.

Tips for senior immigrants to make the most of living in Canada:

Learn the language: Learning English or French can help senior immigrants communicate with locals, make friends, and feel more comfortable in their new home. Get involved in the community: Joining community groups, volunteering, and attending local events can help senior immigrants meet new people and learn about Canadian culture. Go to settlement organizatios to receive free assistance in accessing services designed for seniors. Get to know seniors from outside your etnicity. Go for walks in your neighbourhood and get to know the area; learn how to take public transportation or call a taxi. Explore the city: Canada has many diverse cities and attractions. Exploring the city can help senior immigrants discover all it has to offer. Stay active: Canada has many opportunities for seniors to stay active, such as senior centers, walking groups, and fitness classes. Staying active can help senior immigrants maintain their physical and mental health. Stay connected with family and friends: If senior immigrants have family and friends back in their home country, staying connected with them through phone calls, video chats, and social media can help them feel less isolated. Know their rights: It’s important for senior immigrants to know their rights and the services available to them in Canada. This includes healthcare, housing, and financial support. Embrace Canadian culture: Embracing Canadian culture while also maintaining their own cultural identity can help senior immigrants feel more connected to their new home. Be understanding of your children and grandchildren about their changing roles and expectations living in Canada.

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