Ottawa condemns Iran's use of the death penalty, sanctions seven Iranian judges

Ottawa condemns Iran's use of the death penalty, sanctions seven Iranian judges
Ottawa condemns Iran's use of the death penalty, sanctions seven Iranian judges 19 June 2023 01:53 PM: Canada imposed sanctions on seven Iranian judges Monday, citing human rights violations in the Iranian justice system.

"As an institution closely tied to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the Ministry of Intelligence, the Revolutionary Courts are notorious for issuing death sentences and harsh prison terms following sham trials and based on evidence gathered under torture," a Global Affairs Canada news release says.

"Canada unequivocally opposes the use of the death penalty in all cases, everywhere. It is a form of punishment that is incompatible with human rights and human dignity. We will continue pressing the Iranian regime to address the legitimate grievances of its people."

Those sanctioned cannot conduct business in Canada or with Canadians. Their assets in Canada have been frozen and they are inadmissible to the country.

"More than six months ago, the Iranian people demanded change. They issued a call that was heard around the world and asked the Iranian regime to respect their human rights and freedom," Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly said in the news release. 

"Yet the regime has yet to respond and, instead, is increasing its use of execution, suppression and intimidation. Canada will continue to support the Iranian people and we will use the tools at our disposal to respond to Iran's egregious actions."


Canada has now sanctioned 163 Iranian individuals and 192 entities. While Ottawa has sanctioned the IRGC, it has resisted calls to label the IRGC a terrorist group. The Qods Force branch of the IRGC is officially listed as a terrorist entity.

Canada has not had diplomatic relations with Iran since 2012, when the Harper government expelled Iranian diplomats from Canada and closed the Canadian embassy in Tehran.

The RCMP reported last month that $78,838 in assets has been frozen in Canada under the government's Iran sanctions.

The judges sanctioned on Monday are:

  • Morteza Barati, judge, Esfahan Revolutionary Court
  • Hadi Mansouri, judge, Mashhad Revolutionary Court
  • Musa Asif Al Hosseini, judge, Karaj Revolutionary Court
  • Seyed Mahmoud Sadati, judge, Shiraz Revolutionary Court
  • Mehrdad Tahamtan, Shiraz advisory judge of the Criminal Court
  • Mohammad Moghiseh, judge, Supreme Court – Tehran Revolutionary Court
  • Heidar Asiyabi, judge, Gorgan Revolutionary Court

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