Windfall tax, a UK GDP forecast and why is the Vodafone-Three merger taking so long?

Windfall tax, a UK GDP forecast and why is the Vodafone-Three merger taking so long?
Windfall tax, a UK GDP forecast and why is the Vodafone-Three merger taking so long? 9 June 2023 07:01 AM: Following the news that the windfall tax on oil and gas companies will be scrapped if wholesale costs fall below a certain level, Ian discusses the government's plans with David Waterhouse, chief executive of Offshore Energies UK, and National Gas chief executive Jon Butterworth.

Vicky Pryce, independent member of the British Chamber of Commerce's new economic advisory council, talks about forecasts for UK GDP.

Adobe's Anil Chakravarthy outlines what his company is doing with artificial intelligence, analyst Paolo Pescatore details why he thinks the merger between Vodafone and Three is taking so long, and Euronext's Stephane Boujnah discusses the challenges of operating stock exchanges in the EU.

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