Community reacts after teen allegedly injures dog, sets Mississauga home on fire

Community reacts after teen allegedly injures dog, sets Mississauga home on fire
Community reacts after teen allegedly injures dog, sets Mississauga home on fire

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الجمعة 17 يناير 2025 12:01 مساءً


Jewelry store owners call for 'serious action' amid rise in robberies in Peel Region

Jewelry store owner Shahrouz Ahmed was sitting and working on a laptop near the front of his Mississauga, Ont., store on Tuesday evening, when thieves in a grey Jeep tried to smash their way inside. The vehicle rammed the exterior windows and metal cage reinforcements at Jannat Jewellers at least three times. The Jeep approached the store at an angle to avoid metal security posts out front, he said.Thieves tried to burst through the door but fled once the store filled with white smoke — a securi

تم ادراج الخبر والعهده على المصدر، الرجاء الكتابة الينا لاي توضبح - برجاء اخبارنا بريديا عن خروقات لحقوق النشر للغير

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