Sask. woman expected to plead guilty to dangerous driving causing death, lawyer says

Sask. woman expected to plead guilty to dangerous driving causing death, lawyer says
Sask. woman expected to plead guilty to dangerous driving causing death, lawyer says

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الجمعة 17 يناير 2025 01:23 صباحاً


Sask. woman expected to plead guilty to dangerous driving in fatal highway collision, lawyer says

The woman charged in a fatal collision near Saskatoon in October is expected to plead guilty to dangerous driving causing death, her lawyer says."It was important for the accused if she can save the victims in this case and those affected through a prolonged process, that was certainly part of her priorities," the woman's lawyer, Brian Pfefferle, said Thursday.Brittany Barry, 33, was driving on Highway 11 near Dundurn, Sask., around 9:45 p.m. CST on Oct. 19, 2024, when she collided head-on with

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