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Man dead after falling through ice off Toronto Islands: police

Man dead after falling through ice off Toronto Islands: police
Man dead after falling through ice off Toronto Islands: police

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الجمعة 10 يناير 2025 03:22 مساءً

A man is dead after falling through the ice off of Toronto Centre Island Thursday night, authorities say.

The man, who was in his 70s, fell into Lake Ontario near Lagoon Road and Centre Island Parkway, Toronto police said in a post to X, formerly Twitter, on Friday.

The incident happened Thursday evening, according to Toronto Fire.

Fire crews were dispatched around 8 p.m. Thursday after the man was reported missing, Toronto Fire spokesperson Dan Vieira said in an email. He said fire crews and police searched the island and surrounding waters until about midnight and found a hole in the ice.

People on the island told emergency responders they believed the man had gone skating, Vieira said.


No further details on the identity of the man are available at this time.

Toronto police are advising people against going on frozen lakes, rivers and ponds right now.

Police say they are not investigating the incident.

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