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2 major crashes in 14 hours in eastern Renfrew County

2 major crashes in 14 hours in eastern Renfrew County
2 major crashes in 14 hours in eastern Renfrew County

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الجمعة 13 ديسمبر 2024 09:49 صباحاً

Renfrew County OPP say there have been two major crashes on the Trans-Canada Highway roughly 25 kilometres and 14 hours apart.

The first was on Highway 417 around Campbell Drive just west of Arnprior, according to media relations Const. Brianna Babin.

Emergency crews were called to a single-vehicle crash around 4:30 p.m. and one person's death was confirmed on scene, she said. The victim's name or age haven't been released.

The highway's eastbound lanes were closed for hours and had reopened by 9:30 p.m., police said.

The second crash involved a car and tractor-trailer at Highway 17 and Storyland Road, Babin said. The car's driver, who Babin said was alone in the vehicle, was taken to the Renfrew hospital in life-threatening condition.

Renfrew County paramedics said they were then taken by air ambulance to Ottawa.

Babin said the truck driver was not taken to hospital.

OPP say the highway is closed eastbound from Godfrey Road to Bruce Street in Renfrew and are asking drivers to use those two access points to detour onto Highway 60.

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