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Auto theft in Ottawa in 2024, by the numbers

Auto theft in Ottawa in 2024, by the numbers
Auto theft in Ottawa in 2024, by the numbers

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الجمعة 13 ديسمبر 2024 08:39 صباحاً

As 2024 comes to a close, here's a closer look at this year's auto theft trends in Ottawa.

It's based on data compiled by the Ottawa Police Service (OPS), which has been collecting statistics for the past seven years.

One trend that may come as a surprise to some: The most recent data shows a decline in thefts compared to the previous two years.

"We've seen a slight drop in the first half of 2024, which is promising," said Bryan Gast, vice-president of investigative services at Équité Association, an organization that targets insurance fraud and auto theft.

OPS Det. Chris Warren confirmed thefts were down about 20 per cent in Ottawa, and he credits all the attention it's been getting.

"There's definitely been more focus on auto theft, we all know that. The federal governments invested money into it, police services have been doing projects [and] there's more enforcement," Warren said.

But Gast warns the problem is far from solved.

Here's a deeper look at auto thefts in Ottawa, by the numbers:

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