Shots fired at group of people in south Windsor neighbourhood, police say

Shots fired at group of people in south Windsor neighbourhood, police say
Shots fired at group of people in south Windsor neighbourhood, police say

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الجمعة 13 ديسمبر 2024 08:23 صباحاً

Police say a person was shot in the lower leg after several shots were fired toward a group of people in a south Windsor neighbourhood earlier this week

The gunshot wound was non-life threatening, according to authorities. The other shots left several shell casings in the area of Mount Royal Drive, near Mitchell Crescent, and holes in nearby vehicles — where the incident happened around 11:45 p.m. on Monday.

Police say they have a good idea of who's allegedly behind the attack, and have identified a "person of interest," and that the victim knew the suspects.

The logo of the Windsor Police Service.

The logo of the Windsor Police Service.

Windsor police say they've identified a person of interest and that the victim knew them. (Dalson Chen/CBC)

It was a light-coloured Dodge Caravan involved in the incident, police said.

"The vehicle's occupants began firing at the group from the passenger side window. The vehicle was last seen departing from the area heading southbound," according to a statement issued by the Windsor Police Service.

Investigators are asking residents and business owners within the area of the shooting to review their surveillance or dash cam footage for video evidence, specifically between 11 p.m. and 12 a.m. on Dec. 9.

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