One man dies in single-vehicle collision in Patterson Heights

One man dies in single-vehicle collision in Patterson Heights
One man dies in single-vehicle collision in Patterson Heights

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الأحد 8 ديسمبر 2024 11:25 صباحاً

A man in his 70s was killed in a single-vehicle collision in the southwest community of Patterson Heights on Friday, according to Calgary police.

Investigators say they responded to a call about the incident at a parkade entrance in the 200 block of Village Terrace S.W. around 5:45 p.m.

A man driving a Ford F-150 truck had approached the garage door of the parkade and exited the vehicle, after which, police say, the truck began to roll backward with the driver caught in the open door.

The man was fatally injured after the vehicle continued rolling and eventually collided with a tree, pinning the driver between the tree and the vehicle door, police say.

Speed, alcohol and drugs are not considered to be factors in the collision, however officers say the circumstances leading up to the man's death remain under investigation.

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