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Fatal plane crash left man, 23, dead on Friday: RCMP

Fatal plane crash left man, 23, dead on Friday: RCMP
Fatal plane crash left man, 23, dead on Friday: RCMP

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الاثنين 22 يوليو 2024 06:01 مساءً

The person who died in a Friday morning plane crash in southern Saskatchewan was a 23-year-old man, RCMP say.

The RCMP did not identify the man but said he hailed from White City, Sask., according to a Monday email statement. The cause of the crash is still unknown.

Outlook RCMP previously said they received a report of a plane crash in the RM of Coteau around 6:30 a.m. CST Friday. The crash happened near Birsay, Sask., about 250 kilometres northwest of Regina, near Lake Diefenbaker.

"The sole occupant of the plane was declared deceased by EMS at the scene," the RCMP said in an email statement Friday.

RCMP say the Transportation Safety Board (TSB) of Canada will investigate and that there was no further information to share at that time.

CBC News has reached out to the TSB for an update as its team were supposed to be on site Saturday morning.

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