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Sarnia police warn of taxi scam that targets good Samaritans

Sarnia police warn of taxi scam that targets good Samaritans
Sarnia police warn of taxi scam that targets good Samaritans

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الخميس 18 يوليو 2024 06:05 مساءً

Have you been approached by someone in cab with a sob story who is looking for money? Police say its a scam that has victimized at least a dozen people in Sarnia.

In a media release Thursday, Sarnia police said the victims who have come forward to police have lost anywhere between $980 to $9,900.

In total, over a two-day span last weekend, police said between $20,000 and $30,000 was stolen.

Police explained that the "alleged taxi driver" pulls up or is waiting with a passenger and approaches the victims asking them to pay a small fare with their debit card.

"The scammers will come up with an emotional appealing scenario such as the cab doesn't accept cash, or that they are helping a child with a relatively small fare," the media release stated.

"The scammer may even return cash to the good samaritan in exchange for the use of their debit card. The most common method has been to ask for help with a $7.50 cent fare and return $10.00 in cash to the individual for their assistance."

But then, the scammers keep the debit card and give back a fake one. During the transaction, they also capture the victim's PIN.

Sarnia police say officers are gathering evidence but think more than one group may be involved because the descriptions of the vehicles and scammers vary.

They're asking anyone who has been approached to contact the police service.

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