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PM says he will apologize for First Nations child welfare discrimination

PM says he will apologize for First Nations child welfare discrimination
PM says he will apologize for First Nations child welfare discrimination

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الأربعاء 19 يونيو 2024 09:14 مساءً

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau plans to publicly apologize for the discrimination faced by First Nations children and their families because of the federal government's child welfare policies, CBC News has learned.

Trudeau outlined the government's plan for the apology in a June 17 letter to Assembly of First Nations National Chief Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak.

"I confirm that the Government of Canada is committed to delivering a public apology for the discriminatory conduct … and the past and ongoing harm it caused," Trudeau wrote in the letter, obtained by CBC News.

Trudeau says in the letter he's asked Indigenous Services Minister Patty Hajdu and Justice Minister Arif Virani to lead consultations on the apology's content.

Hajdu's office confirmed it's discussing with First Nations partners what the apology could look like and what steps need to be taken before it happens.

"This is an essential step on the path to reconciliation," said Hajdu's spokesperson Simon Ross.

The apology would fulfil one of the government's commitments in a recently finalized $23 billion settlement agreement that aims to provide compensation to First Nations people affected by federal policies that encouraged the removal of their children.

Under the deal, more than 300,000 First Nations children and family members will each receive tens of thousands of dollars because Ottawa chronically and knowingly underfunded First Nations child and family services on reserves and in the Yukon.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told Assembly of First Nations National Chief Cindy Woodhouse (second right) that Indigenous Services Minister Patty Hajdu (second left) will lead consultations on a public apology for First Nations child welfare.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told Assembly of First Nations National Chief Cindy Woodhouse (second right) that Indigenous Services Minister Patty Hajdu (second left) will lead consultations on a public apology. (Canadian Press/Justin Tang)

Federal lawyers will work with the settlement agreement lawyers and other First Nations partners to seek their views on the apology's content, timing and venue.

Woodhouse Nepanik told CBC News she plans to ask Trudeau to apologize when Parliament resumes after its summer break.

The agreement is based on a 2016 ruling from the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal that found Canada engaged in wilful and reckless discrimination against First Nations children and families by failing to provide them with the same level of child and family services provided elsewhere.

In 2019, the tribunal ordered Canada to pay the maximum human rights penalty of $40,000 per First Nations child and family member.

In addition to compensation, Ottawa also promised an additional $20 billion to reform First Nations child and family services policies.

"Addressing the harms suffered by First Nations children and families is at the heart of the agreement and a meaningful step in the reconciliation process," Trudeau wrote.

"Canada is committed to the ongoing work to implement the final settlement and to compensating First Nations children and families."

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