Work with Spain to stop human trafficking

Work with Spain to stop human trafficking
Work with Spain to stop human trafficking 7 February 2023 02:56 PM: Egypt and Spain are to work together in combating human trafficking.

Such was one of the outcomes of the first day of a three-day workshop that opened on Tuesday.

Egyptian and Spanish judges and legal experts came together in workshop, which is being held with the co-operation of the National Centre for Judicial Studies (NCJS), the National Coordinating Committee for Combating and Preventing Illegal Migration and Trafficking in Persons (NCCPIMTIP), and the Spanish initiative to strengthen immigration governance.

Discussions dwelt on the legal framework for combating human trafficking, Spanish criminal law, investigating criminal networks, international co-operation and the protection of victims.

NCJS representative Counselor Haitham Hegazy stressed the importance of exchanging expertise between Spain and Egypt to stop human trafficking.

“Egypt is keen to co-operate with the European Union, especially Spain, to keep abreast of legislation on trafficking,” Hegazy said, adding that further partnership between NCJS, NCCPIMTIP and Spain in training and exchange visits are important.

For his part, Spainish Ambassador to Egypt, Alvaro Iranzo Gutiérrez hailed co-operation with Egypt and highlighted the need to protect vulnerable groups exploited by organised criminal networks.

This type of crime is on the increase worldwide and victims need a great deal of protection and treatment, especially since most of the victims are from vulnerable groups, namely women and minors, the Spanish envoy said.

Up to 40 million people around the world are victims of these crimes and they suffer great psychological and physical pain. This, he said, requires taking stricter measures to deter such crimes, he added.

“Immigrants, victims of this type of crime, sacrifice their lives in the hope of a better life abroad. Around 90 per cent pay huge amounts of money to criminal gangs that promise them happier life in European countries,” he said.





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