Ministries of military production, local development discuss cooperation in field of managing waste system

Ministries of military production, local development discuss cooperation in field of managing waste system
Ministries of military production, local development discuss cooperation in field of managing waste system 7 February 2023 09:57 AM: Egypt’s State Minister of Military Production Mohamed Salaheldin Moustafa and Minister of Local Development Hisham Amna discussed the executive situation of cooperation in the field of managing waste system and the efforts exerted in the past period to find sustainable solutions to handle the solid waste.

Moustafa said that the meeting comes within the framework of the directives of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi on increasing the efficiency of the solid waste system and taking necessary measures to keep the environment via this system.

Moustafa asserted the keenness of his ministry to implement Egypt’s Vision 2030 and the goals of the new republic which include achieving integration between the different institutions of the state.

Meanwhile, Amna pointed out to the keenness of the Ministry of Local Development on pushing forward the wheel of implementation of projects done within the framework of the system of managing waste at the directives of President Sisi.

The government is working on accelerating the implementation of the executive plan of the waste system at the highest level to make a big change at the level of cleanliness in the Egyptian streets to overcome all problems and challenges related to garbage and its safe disposal, he said.

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