Local workers to be given legal work permits in Italy

Local workers to be given legal work permits in Italy
Local workers to be given legal work permits in Italy

Arabnews24.ca:Sunday 29 January 2023 08:45 AM: The Ministry of Labour said on Sunday that its representation office in Italy confirmed the issuance of a decree by the Italian cabinet on the number of workers required in Italy.

Representation office head, Mahmud Hamzawi, said Italian Prime Minister, GiorgiaMeloni, had issued a decree on the flow of workers into Italy from outside the European Union.

The decree, he said, would allow workers from 32 countriesthat signed immigration agreements with Rometo enter Italy. Egypt, he added, is one of these countries.

He noted that the decree issued by the Italian prime minister covers seasonal, permanent and independent work.

“We communicate with concerned Italian agencies to ensure that Egyptian workers would obtain the largest number of jobs available,” Hamzawi said.

He added that Italian and non-Italian business owners, living legally in Italy, have the right to contract with workers from outside the European Union, after completing legal procedures in this regard.

Hamzawinoted that business owners in Italy would start announcing the number and specialty of the workers they need as of March 27.

He added that his office is now keeping an eye on the joint statement concerned Italian agencies would release on the regulations of the decree issued by the Italian prime minister.

According to the decree, 82,705 workers from outside the European Union will be allowed to enter Italy in a legal manner.

The Italian government will issue 38,705 permanent and independent work permits, along with 44,000 seasonal work permits, the decree says.

The workers to be allowed to enter Italy within the framework of the decree are required in the fields of land transport, construction and building, hotels and tourism, communications and ship building, it adds.

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