Pub chain fined more than £1.5m over death of Durham student

Pub chain fined more than £1.5m over death of Durham student
Pub chain fined more than £1.5m over death of Durham student 7 July 2023 11:16 AM: A pub chain has been fined more than £1.5m over the death of a Durham University student who was crushed while queuing outside a nightclub.

Olivia Burt, 20, suffered severe head injuries when a heavy decorative screen fell on her as she waited to get into the city's Missoula bar in February 2018.

After a three-week trial, Stonegate, the UK's biggest pub chain, was found guilty of a health and safety breach over the fact that the screen also fell over 30 minutes before Ms Burt was hit.

Jurors heard it was merely lifted back into place and the chance to avoid tragedy was missed.

Stonegate was cleared of three other charges following a ruling by the judge.

On Friday, Judge Howard Crowson fined Stonegate £1.56m and ordered the company to pay £225,774.26 in costs.


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