Another child dies after suffering Strep A infection

Another child dies after suffering Strep A infection
Another child dies after suffering Strep A infection 9 December 2022 12:03 PM: A pupil at a school in Sussex has died after suffering a suspected infection of the invasive strain of Strep A.

The UK Health Security Agency said the child attended Hove Park School and that specialists from the UKHSA are working with the city council following the death.

Dr Rachael Hornigold, consultant in health protection at UKHSA South East, said: "We are extremely saddened to hear about the death of a young child and our thoughts are with their family, friends and the local community.

"Infection with Group A Streptococcus bacterium usually causes a sore throat, scarlet fever or skin rash, and is passed by physical contact or through droplets from sneezing or coughing.

"In very rare cases, the infection can become invasive and enter parts of the body where bacteria aren't normally found, which can be serious.

"We will implement public health actions, including advice to the city council and school community."

The child is the 16th to die in the UK after contracting Strep A.

More on Strep A

On Thursday, the UKSHA said the number of deaths in the UK had risen to 15. The death of a 4-year-old child in Ireland has also been linked to an invasive form of Strep A.

The child's age and gender were not released, however Hove Park School is a secondary school, meaning the child would be over 11.


A year 8 boy in London was the first secondary school child to die from Strep A earlier this week.

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