'We are thinking of you': Palace receives 50,000 letters of condolence following Queen's death

Arabnews24.ca:Friday 30 September 2022 05:01 PM: More than 50,000 letters of condolence have been sent to Buckingham Palace following the Queen's death.

Pictures have been released that show the royal household's correspondence team opening some of the messages paying tribute to the late monarch.

One card adorned with a crown said "We are thinking of you" - and among the piles of letters, children's handwriting could be seen on some of the envelopes.

Some of the messages were addressed personally to King Charles III.

On 20 September - the day after the Queen's funeral - the daily amount of correspondence peaked at 6,500.

Before her death, Buckingham Palace typically received up to 1,000 letters a week, including queries and goodwill messages from the public.

The small correspondence team within Buckingham Palace carefully reads every message received, and responses will be sent.

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An extract of the Queen's death certificate, released by National Records of Scotland, shows she died at 3.10pm on 8 September.

The document lists her occupation as "Her Majesty The Queen", and lists her cause of death as old age.

The Princess Royal has already disclosed she was with her mother during her last moments but the document confirmed what was suspected on the day - some of the Queen's children and grandchildren tried in vain to be at her bedside.

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