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Gift card scams are out there. A cybersecurity expert says there are ways to protect yourself

Gift card scams are out there. A cybersecurity expert says there are ways to protect yourself
Gift card scams are out there. A cybersecurity expert says there are ways to protect yourself

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الجمعة 13 ديسمبر 2024 08:23 صباحاً

KCRA - Sacramento Videos

Consumer Reports: How to avoid holiday scams

Do you know who’s on the holiday naughty list? Scammers! Consumer Reports has a warning about some grinches trying to swipe your cash or steal your identity this holiday season! It’s called the drain scam. Last year, 41,632 cases of gift card draining were reported. This resulted in a loss of $217 million. Here’s how it works. Crooks go to a store, copy the card number and activation code, then reseal the package. When you load money on the card, it goes to Scrooge. Before you buy a gift card, inspect it. Run your finger over the card. Does it look like a sticker has been put over the barcode? Does it look like the package was opened and maybe glued back together? Buy gift cards from behind the counter or buy a virtual gift card. If you receive a gift card, use it as soon as possible.

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