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Fifth tropical disturbance likely to develop into hurricane later this week

Fifth tropical disturbance likely to develop into hurricane later this week
Fifth tropical disturbance likely to develop into hurricane later this week

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الاثنين 12 أغسطس 2024 12:09 مساءً

Following the impact from tropical storm Debby across the eastern seaboard earlier this month, another disturbance is strengthening across the Caribbean, likely developing into the fifth named storm of the 2024 hurricane season by the weekend.

The storm, which has been given a high chance of being named Ernesto, is organizing as it passes by the Lesser Antilles early this week. The storm will only strength as it interacts with a trough moving through the states before taking a northwest turn away from the Caribbean.

The storm's new environment will be favourable set up for developing into a hurricane by the end of the week. Tropical storm warnings are in effect as Puerto Rico will begin seeing impacts from the storm as soon as Tuesday, with heavy rains and a risk of a landslide developing.

Tropical storm track thru Friday

Tropical storm track thru Friday

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Forecasters are tracking the northward movement of the storm, however impacts on Atlantic Canada are too soon to tell.

The location of the low's centre has not yet developed and the development could change the location of the storm. The timing and the interaction with the incoming trough could also shift the storm's trajectory.

Named Atlantic storms

Named Atlantic storms

This storm will certainly be one to watch this week, so keep checking back as forecast details become clearer.

Stay tuned to The Weather Network as the tropical storm develops in the Caribbean.

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