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2 RCMP vehicles damaged in Kindersley, Sask., by truck with stolen licence plate

2 RCMP vehicles damaged in Kindersley, Sask., by truck with stolen licence plate
2 RCMP vehicles damaged in Kindersley, Sask., by truck with stolen licence plate

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الأربعاء 7 أغسطس 2024 05:26 مساءً

Two RCMP vehicles were left damaged in Kindersley, Sask., after being rammed into while officers attempted to block a truck that had a stolen licence plate on it.

In a news release Wednesday, Mounties said someone in the truck had stolen diesel from a gas station Sunday evening. The licence plate on the truck had been reported as stolen in Calgary nearly a week before.

Just over an hour later, someone reported that the truck was at a different business in the town. When officers arrived, they attempted to block in the truck with police vehicles, the release said. That's when the truck rammed into the RCMP vehicles.

The officers inside the vehicles were not hurt.

The truck drove away from the area and a warrant was issued for the driver.

On Monday, the suspect was arrested in an unrelated incident by Hanna RCMP in Alberta.

Charges are pending against the 26-year-old Saskatoon man, including assaulting an officer with a weapon, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle and failing to stop at an accident.

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