أخبار عاجلة

Sunday heat warning issued for Ottawa, other parts of eastern Ontario

Sunday heat warning issued for Ottawa, other parts of eastern Ontario
Sunday heat warning issued for Ottawa, other parts of eastern Ontario

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: السبت 13 يوليو 2024 10:10 مساءً

Environment Canada is warning people about scorching temperatures expected to hit Ottawa and other parts of eastern Ontario on Sunday.

According to a warning issued Saturday evening, a heat event including forecasted humidex values near 40 C is expected to begin on Sunday and might persist into Tuesday.

Daytime maximum temperatures are expected to be 29 C to 31 C without the humidex factor.

"There will be little relief at night as minimum temperatures are expected to be near 20 C," the weather agency added in its alert.

Weather alert map

The areas in red are under a heat warning. (Environment Canada)

The area affected encompasses Petawawa in the west, Gananoque in the south, Ottawa in the north and Cornwall in the east, according to a map accompanying the alert at 7:22 p.m. Saturday.

The most up-to-date information on the alert can be found here.

A cooler air mass is expected to arrive on Tuesday night.

Extreme heat can affect everyone's health, the agency advises. Drink plenty of water regularly, even before you feel thirsty, to decrease your risk of dehydration. Thirst is not a good indicator of dehydration.

Limit direct sun exposure. Shade yourself by wearing a wide-brimmed, breathable hat or an umbrella. Never leave people, particularly children, or pets inside a parked vehicle.

تم ادراج الخبر والعهده على المصدر، الرجاء الكتابة الينا لاي توضبح - برجاء اخبارنا بريديا عن خروقات لحقوق النشر للغير

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