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Labrador West hospital closed and evacuated as thousands flee from nearby wildfire

Labrador West hospital closed and evacuated as thousands flee from nearby wildfire
Labrador West hospital closed and evacuated as thousands flee from nearby wildfire

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: السبت 13 يوليو 2024 10:05 صباحاً

Evacuation alerts are in place for Labrador City and Wabush as smoke covers the region.

Labrador City evacuated Friday night due to a nearby wildfire while Wabush remains on alert Saturday. (Darryl Dinn/CBC)

Wildfires in Labrador are still problematic on Saturday. The Labrador West Health Centre in Labrador City fully evacuated patients overnight and emergency services are closed until further notice.

Thousands of residents of Labrador City were forced to evacuate Friday evening with orders to travel to Happy Valley-Goose Bay — over 500 kilometres east.

The hospital and walk-in emergency services will remain closed until it is safe to fully reopen, Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services wrote in a news release Saturday morning

Ambulances remain on stand by in case of emergencies.

NLHS media relations manager Mikaela Etchegary told CBC News patients were transferred to other health care facilities in the province, with the majority diverting to the Labrador Health Centre in Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

Roughly 1,500 people checked in at the E J Broomfield Arena in Happy Valley-Goose Bay since the evacuation order was issued. Thousands more are expected to arrive throughout Saturday.

Meanwhile, residents of Wabush are waiting with their bags packed since getting a possible evacuation notice Friday night.

Mayor Ron Barron told CBC News the provincial fire service is bringing in more resources to battle the fire on Saturday morning.

But, he said, those resources should have been there much earlier.

"This fire started last week," Barron said. "I think more attention should have been paid to it at that time rather than where it's catching us now and biting us in the you know what."

Barron wants Wabush residents to stay calm, vigilant and patient.

He said as soon as he more information he notifu residents.

In the meantime, he said, people should stay in close communications with friends, family and neighbours in case the town has to evacute.

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