أخبار عاجلة

What to expect as storms flair up Saturday over S. Ontario

What to expect as storms flair up Saturday over S. Ontario
What to expect as storms flair up Saturday over S. Ontario

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: السبت 22 يونيو 2024 01:59 مساءً


South Asian newcomers to Canada say online hate is taking a toll

International student Miran Kadri had many things on his mind when he made the move from Gujarat in western India to Windsor, Ont., last year. Among them, concerns about how he would be perceived in the country he would shortly call home.Even while in India, Kadri had come across social media pages online filled with anti-Indian commentary.And as hate crimes toward South Asian communities have seen a steady increase, the topic of racism, typically shied away from within South Asian cultures, is

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